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Comment #1 for 2018 Funding Guidelines
(fundingguidelines-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: John
Last Name: Livingston
Email Address:
AffiliationMember of the Sierra Club
SubjectCap and Trade Receipt Funding for 2018
1. There should be accountability for programs that utilize
funding. Too often government agencies simply assign the salaries
for a group of employees to a program and no real results are
expected and published. More accountability 
2. Forest fires produce so much CO2 that the improvements made in
all other CO2 reduction programs are cancelled out. Fires on all
public lands except wilderness areas should be put out ASAP. New
technology and equipment should be developed that can stop fires
from burning for weeks. Old paradigms must be changed to maximize
resources to stop these fires. Burning the forests using controlled
burns is not the way to reduce CO2 emissions. Brush and new
vegetation will grow back very quickly and the problem will not be
solved. We have to increase penalties for arson and reckless
activities that involve starting fires. More technology for quickly
extinguishing fires.
3.Accelerate farm vehicle exhaust improvements. Just as highway
vehicles are required to limit their vehicle emissions through smog
checks so too all farm vehicles should be required to do so and
this program could initially be paid for by the Cap and Trade
program and after 5 years the program should be paid for by the
farmers themselves. 
4. Dust from farming should be reduced by requiring soil
disturbance to occur when weather conditions and soil moisture are
optimum. Equipment can be devised to prevent dust from rising up in
the air and being disbursed by the winds. Irrigation should be
required immediately following plowing and discing that would
eliminate the days of dust storms in the San Joaquin Valley. 
5. Research should be funded to gather the state of the art in
collecting CO2 emissions from cement plant, biomass power
generation and other major CO2 emitters. We have great universities
and the lack of technology to collect and prevent CO2 emissions is
worse than not finding a cure for cancer. We can do it if the will
were present.    

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2018-02-05 19:23:05

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