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Comment #9 for Comments on staff's approoach on residential and commercial projects under the CEQA
(ceqa-rescom-ws) - 2nd Workshop

First Name: Terry
Last Name: Parker
Email Address:
AffiliationCaltrans (used to be at CARB)
SubjectResidential per-HH VMT numbers
During today's hearing, there was a question about whether the
14,000 annual per-Household VMT rates proposed includes differences
in household composition (e.g., two-employees, single, etc.) I have
information about this that may be helpful.  The answer is that -
no - this data did not take such demographics into consideration. 
John Holtzclaw obtained it from the Dept. of Motor Vehicles based
on vehicles' two-year odomotor readings (which are required for
smog checks). This is an extremely important issue, and needs to be
addressed in this effort. FYI - Dr. Holtzclaw did a similar but
much larger study than the one referenced in ARB's 1995 report for
EDF & NRDC - e..g, for the Location Efficient Mortgage (LEM)
program during the late 1990s that included data from all of the
San Francisco Bay Area as well as all of Southern California.  This
study provides much more robust data and - because Dr. Holtzclaw
also used some travel demand modeling for the LEM effort - it may
provide insights regarding effects of household demographics and
composition.  (Dr. Holtzclaw can be reached via the California
Sierra Club in San Francisco:

Also, here is some important information about a study that U.S.
EPA is currently conducting to specifically address the need to
address and include household composition (and other important
demographics, such as income) in estimating vehicle trip and VMT
reduction benefits associated with land use mitigation strategies
(such as proximity to transit service and the other factors
currently being considered in this effort).  EPA originally
developed the "4Ds" analysis approach for this purpose during the
1990s, and this current effort is updating and upgrading this
analysis process (to 6 or 7 "Ds").  For additional information
about that effort, suggest contacting:  John Thomas, U.S. EPA
Development Community and Environment Division, Washington D.C.,

(As you may be aware, I was the project manager while working for
ARB in the 1990s of both the 1995 study "Transportation-Related
Land Use Strategies to Minimize Motor Vehicle Emissions" which is
the source of the VMT/HH data, as well as the development and
incorporation into Urbemis of the Motor Vehicle Mitigation module
used to estimate the value of various land use development
mitigation strategies.)

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-12-09 15:19:03

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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