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Comment #23 for Green Building Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-greenbuild-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Wes
Last Name: Sullens
Email Address:
SubjectInclude the cross-cutting benefits of green building
The cross-cutting benefits of green building include the reduction
of energy use, waste generation, water use, and transportation
demands due to the location of projects. While the energy benefits
of building green are well known, only recently have the
cross-cutting benefits of green building been calculated with any
certainty. In a recently released report by our agency and Build
It Green, we estimate the avoided emissions of building green
homes in California are substantial, especially when non-energy
benefits are included in savings projections. Our study found that
savings are greatest from buildings that result in less vehicle
miles traveled per resident, as in transit oriented developments.
The next greatest source of savings come from energy:
conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy generation. Large,
one-time emissions reductions from construction and demolition
waste recycling, as calculated using the EPA WARM model, are also
substantial and can equal energy savings for the first 1-3 years
of occupancy per new home. 

Page C-93 of the Appendix states:
¡ÈAccounting only for potential GHG savings that arise from
reductions in energy and water use and from the recycling of
construction debris, preliminary estimates are that green building
measures can reduce California GHG emissions by approximately 28.5
MMTCO2E in the year 2020.54 Of this, 25.5 MMTCO2E comes from
energy savings, and the additional GHG savings come from
reductions in water and solid waste. For purposes of the Draft
Scoping Plan, we are considering green buildings to be a mechanism
that enables GHG reductions in other sectors. For example, green
building strategies are what make it possible to reach the targets
set for electricity and natural gas reductions. In order to avoid
double counting, the ARB is not counting any of the green building
measures as 'additional' GHG reductions, but this may change as ARB
staff gains a better understanding of the interactions between the

We strongly encourage the ARB to include ¡Èadditional¡É GHG
reductions from green buildings in the scoping plan. To this end,
and to avoid double counting, we suggest the ARB develop protocols
for addressing emissions reductions related to single buildings. We
stand ready to assist in this endeavor. Thank you,

Wes Sullens
Program Manager
Green Building in Alameda County
A program of StopWaste.Org

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-11 22:06:37

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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