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Comment #25 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update - Scenario Inputs Technical Workshop
(sp22-inputs-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Patrick
Last Name: Carr
Email Address:
Subject2022 Scoping Plan Update Scenario Inputs Technical Workshop
Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments.

I strongly support action to mitigate the climate crisis that we
face as rapidly as is technologically and socially feasible, and
emphasizing rapid shifts away from fossil fuels and existing HFC

I am generally in support of the options in Alternative A. I do
believe that it is necessary for California to terminate oil and
gas drilling in the state. We must set a date for this, and to
begin that process we need to halt the approval of new operations
as soon as possible. Additional drilling adds to the large GHG
quantities that will continue to be added to the atmosphere, with
the economic and environmental externalities being borne most by
those who aren't yet alive or of age to weigh in on these

I am concerned that CARB must develop incentives to reduce the
escape of additional refrigerants. Many supermarkets operate at a
low profit margin. Entire refrigerating systems are often not
replaced at one time, in favor of a piecemeal approach as elements
of the system break down, so this reduces the effectiveness of "end
of life" replacement requirements. 

At the same time, CARB must be sensitive to the particular
challenges faced by many inner-city grocers. These may be among the
only food resources in areas that are increasingly being recognized
as "food deserts." These resources need to be protected, and
providing financial incentives and education in low-CO2e options
may be a way to accomplish that while promoting the removal of
HFCs. I am concerned that CARB should generally increase activities
to accelerate the removal of HFCs from all areas of use. 

I am highly skeptical that large-scale CCS operations will
contribute to the resolution of the climate crisis. The scientific
reviews that I have seen indicate that the costs are impractically
high and that the level of utilization that would be required to
significantly reduce the risks we face will almost certainly not be
feasible. Counting on this technology would be a huge error for

Thanks again for working toward California's leadership role in
ameliorating the climate crisis!

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-10-21 15:51:08

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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