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Comment #21 for The Investment Plan identifies priority investments to reduce GHG emissions
(3rdinvestmentplan-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Ortensia
Last Name: Lopez
Email Address:
SubjectEl Concilio Support for California Air Resources Board
September 14, 2018

Re; Support for California Air Resources Board (CARB) on the Draft
Third Investment Plan
El Concilio of San Mateo County (ECSMC) supports the Comments filed
by the California Emerging Technology Fund and urges the California
Air Resources Board to optimize Digital Inclusion in funding from
the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Broadband is a green strategy to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and shrink the carbon footprint of
major infrastructure systems.

El Concilio of San Mateo County knows first-hand the importance of
closing the Digital Divide. We work to get disadvantaged
communities connected and low-income households online.  El
Concilio of San Mateo County, Inc. (ECSMC) is a 501(c)(3) community
based organization committed to increasing education, employment
and access to quality of life services for underserved communities
of San Mateo County. As part of our services, beginning in 2008 our
Wi-Fi 101 program focused on closing the gap in access to
technology among low income/underserved residents. Most recently,
in January 2018 we advocated and got San Mateo County Board of
Supervisors to adopt a resolution to address the digital divide.

Over a 3 year period, this program: 1) registered 4, 375 home for
internet service, 2)connected 3,000 home with broadband internet
service, and 3) trained 112 individuals to become East Palo Alto
Technicians. The program also provided 550 laptops to 6th and 7th
grades students. Our long range goal was to create a sustainable
social enterprise by training East Palo Alto Techs to refurbish
computers and provide technical support to local non-profits on a
sliding fee scale.
Thus, we commend and endorse your focus on disadvantaged
communities and low-income households.

We also know that collaboration among stakeholders can produce
powerful partnerships. We stand ready to assist you in implementing
the Third Investment Plan and helping meet the greenhouse gas
emission reduction goals for the State of California. 

Ortensia Lopez
Executive Director

Original File Name: El Concilio Support Ltr CARB.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2018-09-14 12:06:38

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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