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Comment #9 for VW Supplement to their ZEV Investment Plan
(vw-zevinvestsup-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Alexandra
Last Name: Anderson Beaulieu
Email Address:
SubjectTime to go electric
To whom it may concern,
The attachment, is a pictorographic representation of the time
which remains to have electric transportation and renewable energy
in place. The collected data suggests that CO2 emmissions globally
are reaching the avoidable limit of 500 ppm of CO2 in the
atmoshphere faster than was initially expected. In otherwords, it
was anticipated that we had until 2050, as of 1.5 years ago. Due to
increase in emissions world wide, we shall surpass the limit, 16
years ealier. Even today, the trajectory has likely been altered
again, since CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere rapidly. 

Alexandra Anderson Beaulieu, BA Biology, Concordia University

Original File Name: Climate Graph Trajectory for Climate Change with credits.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-07-09 17:18:08

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