State of California

Summary of Board Meeting
June 29, 1995

Air Resources Board
Board Hearing Room, Lower Level
2020 L Street
Sacramento, California

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Hons. John D. Dunlap, III, Chairman
                                                 Eugene A. Boston, M.D.
                                                 Joseph C. Calhoun, P.E.
                                                 Lynne T. Edgerton, Esq.
                                                 M. Patricia Hilligoss
                                                 John S. Lagarias, P.E.
                                                 Jack C. Parnell
                                                 Ron Roberts
                                                 Doug Vagim



Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to Regulations Regarding California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for 1985 and Subsequent Model Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles, to Specify Mandatory Standards for 1998 and Subsequent Heavy-Duty Engines and Optional Standards for 1995 and Subsequent Heavy-Duty Engines


The staff proposed changes to the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission standards and the useful life requirements for 1998 and later model year heavy-duty engines, and proposed optional lower-emission standards for NOx for 1995 and later model year heavy-duty engines.

The proposed mandatory emission standards for 1998 and later model year heavy-duty engines would align the California requirements with those adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1993 for the 1998 model year. The proposed changes to the useful life requirements would also make the California and federal requirements the same.

The proposed optional emission standards are standards to which engine manufacturers could voluntarily certify their engines. These proposed standards are lower than the mandatory standards and include a range of levels to which manufacturers could certify. These levels differ from one another by a fixed increment. By certifying these engines to the optional, lower-emission standards, heavy-duty vehicles equipped with these engines would be eligible to participate in incentive programs for early introduction of lower-emitting heavy-duty vehicles, as called for in California's State Implementation Plan, and in programs that grant marketable emission reduction credits for lower-emitting vehicles. The staff, as part of an evaluation of the effectiveness of programs that use the lower-emission standards, will periodically report to the Board on program status.


Glenn Keller                                       Engine Manufacturers Association


Approved Resolution 95-26 by a vote of 9-0.


STAFF REPORT:  Yes (55 pages)

95-6-2 Public Meeting to Consider the Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal of Regulations Regarding Certification Procedures and Test Procedures for Gasoline Vapor Recovery Systems


The staff presented a summary of the proposed procedures, which are used to certify vapor recovery systems at terminals, bulk plants, gasoline dispensing facilities, cargo tanks and novel facilities and to check compliance of subsequently installed systems. The staff included a summary of the potential emissions from gasoline marketing facilities which can be controlled by vapor recovery systems and an explanation of how the procedures affect different types of facilities. The proposed procedures will result in no adverse economic impact for facility owners or the public while reducing air pollution impacts due to testing.

There will be a 15-day public comment period due to changes made to the proposed regulation since the release date.


Donald Gilson                      Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA)


The Board approved a resolution by a 9-0 vote.


STAFF REPORT:  Yes (12 pages)

95-6-3 Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery Standards and Test Procedures and Modifications to Evaporative Test Procedures Applicable to 1998 and Subsequent Model-Year Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles


The staff recommended that the Air Resources Board (the ARB or Board) adopt onboard refueling vapor recovery (ORVR) standards and test procedures for new passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 8500 pounds or less. In addition, staff recommended that the Board adopt modifications to the existing evaporative test procedures to align the refueling test within the California exhaust and evaporative test procedures. The staff also recommended that text and technical changes be made to the evaporative test procedures for clarification and alignment of the federal and California test procedures.

The 1990 federal Clean Air Act (CAA) amendments require the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) to implement ORVR standards for light-duty vehicles. The U.S. EPA has adopted ORVR standards and test procedures for all gasoline-, diesel-, and alcohol-fueled light-duty cars and trucks (as defined by the U.S. EPA) with a GVWR of 8500 pounds or less. The standards and test procedures will apply to all light-duty vehicles and trucks nationwide. A phase-in implementation schedule begins in the 1998 model year for light-duty vehicles, 2001 model year for light-duty trucks and medium-duty vehicles (0-6000 pounds GVWR), and 2004 model year for medium-duty vehicles (6001-8500 pounds GVWR).

In response to the U.S. EPA's ORVR rule, staff investigated the emissions effects of adopting ORVR standards and test procedures within California, both independently and in conjunction with existing Stage I and II vapor recovery at gasoline dispensing facilities. After conducting two public workshops, the staff concluded that the U.S. EPA's ORVR regulations were an acceptable control measure in California.

The slow vehicle fleet turnover rate in California will require gasoline station vapor recovery to remain in place for many years to ensure adequate refueling emission control. The staff will further investigate the possibility of interactive effects of ORVR and Stage II functioning in combination and propose any changes necessary to rectify adverse reactions.

The staff proposed the adoption of the U.S. EPA's ORVR regulations with minor modifications to align better the procedures with the California evaporative test procedures and to ease the burden on manufacturer testing. The first modification allows the manufacturer to use federal vehicle sales to determine compliance with the ORVR regulation phase-in schedule. The second modification clarifies the canister loading procedures for flexible-fueled vehicles during the evaporative test procedure preconditioning. The third modification simplifies the text of the ORVR test procedures to reference the Code of Federal Register where possible, while maintaining the requirements of the ORVR test procedure as proposed.


Barbara Wendling                               American Automobile Manufacturers

Greg Dana                                           Association of International Automobile
                                                           Manufacturers, Inc.


The Board approved Resolution 95-28 by a vote of 9-0.


STAFF REPORT:  Yes (201 pages)

95-6-4 Public Hearing to Consider Amending the Test Method Designated for Determining the Oxygen Content of Gasoline


The staff recommended the Board amend the designation of the test method used for determining the oxygen content of gasoline [American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D4815-93], by designating the updated ASTM method D4815-94 as the new test procedure. The staff also recommended that ASTM D4815-94 be designated as the test method for the determination of ethanol content in gasoline for the exemption of gasohol from the Reid Vapor Pressure specification.

The Air Resources Board adopted regulations for reformulated gasoline in the early 1990s. In addition to specifying minimum and maximum limits for various fuel parameters, the fuel regulations also specified the test methods that were to be used to determine compliance with the gasoline specifications. However, as technology and procedures develop, updates to the test methods are needed to ensure the best procedures are used during compliance determination testing.

The ARB has been a participant in the development and review of new and updated ASTM methods. The ARB staff uses the information from these studies and data provided by industry to determine the applicability of alternate methods to measuring the reformulated fuel parameters.

In considering the updated ASTM method for the measurement of oxygen content, staff held various industry consultations and conducted a workshop to solicit industry comments and recommendations. ASTM D4815-94 has been determined to be the most accurate method for the determination of methyl-tert-butyl ether and ethanol content, the two most predominant oxygenates used in California gasoline. The new method improves the precision of the analysis results, thereby allowing smaller variations in measurements during compliance testing.


Donald Bea                                 Western States Petroleum Association


Approved Resolution 95-29 by a vote of 9-0.


STAFF REPORT:  Yes (37 pages)

95-6-5 Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of an Emissions Formula for Employer-Based Trip Reductions


AB 2358 (Chapter 924, Statutes of 1994) requires the Air Resources Board to develop a formula to estimate emission reductions which are equal to achieving the vehicle ridership goals of air districts' employer-based trip reduction rules. The formula would be used when employers choose to pursue alternative emission reduction strategies in lieu of meeting district ridesharing requirements.

Staff presented a proposed regulation to the Board that contains a formula for this purpose. The regulation applies to any air district that amends or adopts an employer-based trip reduction rule, and the formula is designed to be used in conjunction with air district rules. The proposed regulation would require ARB to provide (and periodically update) necessary motor vehicle emission factors to be used in the formula.

The proposed regulation allows air districts to use an algebraic expression of the formula that produces the same mathematical results. In response to public comment, staff submitted a modification to the regulations that allows multi-district employers the option to use a single formula at all their employment sites.

The proposed regulation was developed in consultation with local air districts, employers, and other interested parties. Staff held two public workshops on the proposed formula.

The modification to the rule will be subject to a 15-day notice and comment period. Adoption of the proposed emission formula will fulfill the Board's statutory obligation to provide a formula for calculating emission reduction targets that are equivalent to meeting the goals of air district trip reduction rules. Use of the formula by air districts will assist employers that do business in more than one air district, by providing for use of a single calculation procedure.


Deborah Kurilchyk                                Southern California Edison


Approved Resolution 95-30 by a 9-0 vote.


STAFF REPORT:  Yes (9 pages)

95-6-6 Public Meeting to Consider the Approval of Guidance on Data Reporting Related to Ridesharing as Required by AB 1336 (Gotch, Statutes of 1993)


AB 1336 (Statutes of 1993, Chapter 1029) required the Air Resources Board (ARB) to convene an advisory committee to develop standardized definitions of terms related to employer-based trip reduction rules and ordinances. The primary purpose of AB 1336 was to promote consistency and assist businesses subject to rules in multiple jurisdictions.

In 1993 the Board convened a 15-member advisory group and, in June 1994, approved twenty definitions based on the group's recommendations. One term, "standardized data reporting requirements," was left undefined and a technical workgroup was formed to complete the task of developing a list of data reporting elements that would satisfy all air district ridesharing regulations.

The Standardized Data Reporting Requirements Committee included representatives from air districts, affected businesses, labor groups, congestion management agencies, and regional ride-matching agencies.

ARB staff presented the committee's recommendations to the Board in the form of proposed guidance to local air districts. The guidance is a list of standard data elements necessary to determine whether the goals of district rules are being met. The information relates to employee use of different transportation modes or alternatives such as telecommute, carpools, transit, buses, zero-emission vehicles, and drive alone. To provide additional assistance to businesses, the committee also developed a standard reporting form that can be used statewide.

A written comment suggested that staff include instructions with the reporting form directing employers to account for 2-person motorcycles under the "2-person carpool" category. Staff agreed to convey this clarification to districts.



Approved Resolution 95-31 by a 9-0 vote.


STAFF REPORT:  Yes (18 pages)