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Comment for Regional Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets SB 375 (2010sb375) - Non-Reg.

First NameDana & Marsha
Last NameEyre
SubjectThe need for change - adopt strong standards
I strongly urge you to vote for ambitious green house gas reduction
targets.  We need to accelerate the change process - not be afraid
of it.  We need to build a sustainable transportation system, and
more walkable and bike-able mass transit communities.  These are
challenging changes, but ones that we can achieve - California is
the most creative economy on the planet - and we can do well by
making these changes and revitalizing our economy through doing so.
 Once again, I strongly urge you to be robust in your enforcement
of SB375 - let's take a big step forward in reducing green house
gases.  We need to do this, we can do this, if you are willing to

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-09-15 20:12:54

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