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Comment for Regional Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets SB 375 (2010sb375) - Non-Reg.

First NameMona
Last NameYounes
SubjectReduction of Greenhouse Gases
Dear Chair Nichols and Air Resource Board Members,
Thank you for working towards a more sustainable future.  I am
undecided whether the activities of people are enough to enormously
change the climate, but I am convinced that human-generated
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions do produce local hot spots and high
pollution levels increase health problems for humans and the
natural environment.  I think that we will continue to see
increasing levels of emphysema and exercise-induced asthma unless
we can curb all GHG and particulate emissions.  
I urge you to implement SB375 with confidence, knowing that you are
making the world a better place.  We need, here in California, the
kind of urban planning common in Europe where public transportation
is widely used.  Having recently several weeks in Basel,
Switzerland where there is not only excellent public
transportation, bike paths and a major river (the Rhein) clean
enough to swim in, I am convinced that when it comes to creating a
clean, functional environment, "Where there's a will, there's a
Please have the will!  (Present and future generations will be
Mona Younes 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-09-16 11:02:10

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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