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Comment for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 15-1.

First NameGreg
Last NameMyers
SubjectCap and Trade
Cap and Trade restrictions and regulations are the LAST thing our
state needs.  Here are the reasons why:

1. With each passing day the scientific evidence refuting the
spurious claims of man-caused global warming increases

2. The earth's temperature readings for the last decade dlearly and
irrefutably indicate that the earth's temperature has been cooling,
not warming.

3. Due to the paucity of scientific evident supporting global
warming theories, the devotees thereof have attempted to revise 
their monicker  to "climate change" so that warm or cold, wet or
dry, it's all man-caused climate change. But the truth is it's just
a pile of B.S.

4. California is functionally bankrupt and cannot afford a massive
new bureaucracy to solve a non-existent problem.

5. The state of California is already the least business friendly
state of  all Barack Obama's 57 states, with more businesses moving
out of California each year than are moving in.  California needs
to be attacting tax-paying businesses, not driving them away. 
Obviously the contingent of Calfornia officials whom Governor Brown
sent to visit Texas to discover why they are the most business
friendly state in the country haven't given you their report, or
you wouldn't even be considering Cap and Trade.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2011-08-02 10:49:24

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