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Comment for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 15-1.

First NameJacque
Last NameHolub
SubjectCap and Trade
As a business owner and long time resident of California I know I
have an obligation to express my outrage and opinion on Cap and
Trade.  It is common sense that it will further devastate our
state.  I know one of the excuses to go further with this is that
it will be an example to the rest of the United States of what a
state can do about "global warming".  I no longer believe in the
nonsense about global warming and very few people with a head on
their shoulders do either.  We travel a lot and yes, it is an
example, the rest of the states look upon Calilfornia as a joke, an
example of stupidity in Government.  I love this state and am
saddened to see the extremists continue to ruin it for the rest of
us.  If we could afford to sell our home and business and relocate
to another state we would, along with the thousands of others that
have already done so.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2011-08-02 13:55:58

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