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Comment for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 15-1.

First NameJoshua
Last NameJacobs
SubjectNo More Cap and Trade Taxes
Right now, the state of California has too many burdensome
regulations that are driving business and residents away from the
Golden State. Our unemployment is 12 percent and rather than
relieve residents of more costs, the California assembly wants to
implement AB-32.  This bill that will make us pay more for energy
with no guarantee of solutions to coming up with alternative
cleaner energy. Our state ranks 51st (even a worse business
environment than Puerto Rico) to do business.  

What we need to do is kill AB-32 and come up with a bill that
encourages businesses to come up with new energy without taxing us.
 Otherwise, more businesses will leave and go to places like Texas,
where starting a business takes 6 weeks to get all the permits and
paperwork done in order to start construction and building of the
business.  In California, it takes anywhere from 8 months to 2
years with many more regulations and taxes once the business has
The solution is what Rep. Devin Nunes of California has proposed to
Congress.  It is called A Roadmap for America's Energy Future.  It
is three fold; allow drilling to open America's oil, gas, coal and
shale reserves to end dependency on foreign energy.  This will
increase revenues and finally all revenue collected from the leases
would be dedicated to a market based reverse auction that would
allow us to transition to renewable energy in a cost neutral way. 
Check out the plan here.
Please don't tax us, but come up with real solutions rather than a
bill that has no plan except to tax us even more.
Most Respectfully
Josh Jacobs

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2011-08-03 13:05:12

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