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Comment for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameMichael
Last NameGeluardi
SubjectSupport and Strengthen Prop 23
Dear Sirs,
Please do not be persuaded by special interests or climate deniers
to pursue weak implementation of prop 23.  Strong implementation is
essential and is what the people of california, myself included,
have asked for.  Thank you for taking climate change seriously.  It
is serious.  Setting a strong and consistent price for carbon
emissions is essential to create a consistent business climate. 
Proggessively reducing climate emissions is also the right thing to
do.  I am disappointed however that so many permits will be given
away to major polluters.  Carbon polluters should have to pay a
price for their degradation of the environment and by charging more
polluters for permits, the state can generate revenues for use in
promoting a clean energy economy.  California has an opportunity to
become a leader in the clean energy industry and supporting it's
development should be a priority for the state.  Thank you
-Michael Geluardi, Santa Cruz, CA 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-12 06:47:16

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