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Comment 32 for Climate change early actions (ccea2) - Non-Reg.

First NameJoseph
Last NameBishop
Subject"Carpooling" in Early Actions List AB32 Draft Document.
I want to thank the ARB for including the single word

  "Carpooling" on page 177 of 189

in the Draft of Early Action Items.

This is one of the first documents in some time to actually
include this dangerous word of conservation, and I commend you on
the bold work.

As the Transportation sector is the largest single sector
producing green house gases and air pollution, and passenger
vehicles are the single largest group in transportation.  It is
great to see a real effort at attacking the problem.

While the automobile has a very oil rich history in oil rich
California, we must take action to curb our elected official’s
enthusiasm of automobile sales.  And by adding that single word
"carpooling" you have taken that first step.

Most people may overlook the achievement of including that single
word. is keenly aware of the internal battles that
occur over "carpooling" concepts within the government.

Hopefully, we can come up with a whole sentence or more to address
the central problem of pollution and global warming in California.

One person per car.

Only Carpooling addresses one person per car.

Again, congratulations.


Joseph Bishop
founder -
15030 Ventura Blvd #19-456
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 - a commuter advocacy group committed to
helping people form carpools.  Cause after all, our Metro Trans
Authorities sure are working to keep one person per car.  Someone
has to have the voice of something other than business as usual in
transportation.  That is were TrafficBulldog comes in.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-09-22 13:54:38

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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