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Comment 83 for Supplement to FED -AB-32 Scoping with CEQA (ceqa-sp11) - Non-Reg.

First NameRachel
Last NameGinis
AffiliationCitizens Climate Lobby
SubjectCap and Trade for California ceqa-sp11
To whom it may concern,
Thank you for considering this perspective.  Cap and Trade is a bad
idea for California for a variety of reasons.  For one it
destabilizes the energy market.  See the video "The Huge Mistake". 
Cap and Trade was an effective method for acid rain because it
called for relatively simple fixes within the existing infra
structure.  Energy is an entirely different deal for one thing you
never know how much will be needed in a given season it is
completely variable.  Every time C & T has been applied it
destablizes the energy market.  Higher prices will fall on the
backs of the lower and middle classes. Also we need to create a new
infra structure to move us away from carbon creating fuels, cap and
trade does not set a clear market signal for the developement of
clean renewable energy.  And finally the additionality of offsets
completely undermine the system and can not be verified.  When cap
and trade has been applied it actually increases the amount of
carbon by forcing industry to ship there production to another
location then ship it back which is not calculated under the cap. 

My favorite summation of the insanity of cap and trade is that it
aims to correct the carbon problem through the regulation and trade
of the lack of creating an invisible substance - think about it -
we almost brought down the world economy because we could not
manage home loans appropriately, now we are talking about solving
the climate crises through the careful monitoring of and market
exchange of the lack of creating an invisible substance.  DOES THAT

Plan B - Carbon Fee and Dividend, put a steadily rising price on
carbon creating fuels as they enter the economy, at the mine, the
well, the port of entry and return 100% of the revenue from that
fee to household in the form of an equally divided green check with
each individual getting one share and up to two kids getting half a
share each.  This creates a clear and transparent market signal
that will move us into the clean energy economy. Under this plan 60
- 80% of the people will be breaking even or actually making money.
 This protects people from the rising cost of fossil fuels while we
make this delicate transition.
I do not however feel that any state should take on the burden of
putting a price on carbon alone and disadvantage its business
community compared to other states.  California should use its
considerable influence in the House of Representatives to get
Congress to act on energy legislation that will move this country
away from it's dependence on fossil fuels that mostly come in from
countries that are not particularly fond of us.  Because Carbon Fee
and Dividend works through existing agencies it could go into
effect overnight. This strategy would create millions of new jobs. 
I am in the home remodeling business, LEED Ap, Green Point Advisor,
general contractor and residential designer.  This proposal would
do an incredible amount to create the demand for more efficient
homes and businesses that California is working so hard to achieve.
 The forces that be keep trying to create the change by
incentivizing business/industry (Energy Upgrade Cal) but it is a
complex and out of balance strategy.  You have to incentivize the
whole market.  You need to make PEOPLE as well as industry want to
go green.  By doing this you will create massive growth in the
energy efficiency, renewable energy and transportation sectors, to
name just a few!!!  
This country is in desperate need of a common goal that will get us
working again, secure our economy and our nation from foriegn
threats and re-energize America.  Let's do this people!  Cap and
trade is the wrong solution.  Carbon Fee and Dividend will win the
day, it is capable of getting the support on both sides of 
Congress and winning the heart and minds of the American people
(not to mention their pocket books).  We need California to lead
the way that it historically has and point this country in the
right direction.  For more information you can go to and  You can also contact
me, Rachel Ginis  Thank you so much for all you
doing!!!  I was writing fast, so sorry about any creative spelling.

Original File NameCarbon fee proposal_Support_Boxer.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2011-07-28 14:02:25

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