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Comment 86 for Supplement to FED -AB-32 Scoping with CEQA (ceqa-sp11) - Non-Reg.

First NameKristina
Last NamePistone
SubjectBetter alternative to cap and trade: fee and dividend
There are a number of reasons to implement a carbon fee and
dividend system over one of cap and trade.  First and foremost is
that a straight fee on carbon emissions is far simpler than setting
up a cap and trade system, which could take years to implement, and
even longer to see significant reductions in emissions.  As the
European system shows, there is no guarantee a cap and trade system
would be effective in reducing emissions.  A carbon fee could be
implemented fairly quickly into the tax code, producing emissions
cuts much sooner.  A fixed price on carbon scheduled to increase at
a certain rate allows businesses to better plan and budget for
emissions reductions.  The environmental benefits and the
businesses who must comply are not at the mercy of market
speculators as in a cap and trade system.  And in a revenue-neutral
system (in which the collected fees are redistributed to each
citizen equally), Californians who are hardest hit by this economy
will receive the largest proportional benefit.  It's a win-win all

I also agree with the many points brought up by Mr. Richter; I
refer you to his sources as well.

Thank you for your time!

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2011-07-28 15:15:03

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