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Comment 35 for Supplement to FED -AB-32 Scoping with CEQA (ceqa-sp11) - Non-Reg.

First NameJoseph
Last NameSullivan
AffiliationRetired Geological Engineer
AB32 Supports a Hoax

In September 2006 Assembly Bill AB32, titled the Global Warming
Solutions Act, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
principally carbon dioxide (CO2), to 1990 levels by 2020, was
approved. This stems from a contention of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change that global warming results mainly from
burning fossil fuels, pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
However 31,487 scientists, including me, a Geological Engineer for
over half a century, petitioned the government to reject that
contention, recognizing it as a hoax perpetrated by those who will
benefit financially worldwide from expenditures of billions of
dollars to reduce carbon dioxide. They depend on the ignorance of
the general public regarding historical geology and climatology to
foster this hoax. Reducing CO2 will not effect climate change.

Harold Lewis, famous Professor of physics emeritus at the
University of California recently resigned from the top
professional association for physicists saying “the money flood”
has corrupted science and calls global warming a ‘scam’ with the
trillions of dollars driving it that has corrupted so many
scientists.” “It is the greatest and most successful
pseudoscientific fraud I have ever seen in my long life as a

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the
so-called authority on climate change, yet Vice Chair Yurri Izael
in April 2007 wrote, “the panic over global warming is totally
unjustified;” “there is no serious threat to the climate.” IPPC
reports are not those of its scientists, but are policymakers’
summaries produced by a committee of 51 government appointees, many
of who are not scientists. Some of its 2500 scientists have
resigned in protest against IPPC summaries, in which these
political appointees alter their own scientist’s reviews. The
latest example of this type activity occurred in 2009 when computer
hackers broke into the computers of the British Hadley Institute,
hailed for research of global warming, and it was discovered the
Institute manipulated data to cover up evidence that went against
their beliefs in man-made global warming. Admitted was that we are
not seeing global warming, but rather global cooling. The same
evidence appears in graphs showing the start of the cooling trend.
From 1850 to 1950 CO2 levels increased significantly, but the
temperature rose only 0.1 degree Celsius. The earth has been
cooling and is likely to do so for the next couple of decades. CO2
makes up only 38 one-hundredth of one percent of the earth’s total
gases in the atmosphere. That 0.038 percent, which Global Warming
advocates want to reduce by a smidgen at a cost of trillions of
dollars worldwide, is being advocated at a time when the earth is

The Earth warms and cools in 100,000 year cycles. Our planet has
mostly been much hotter and humid than today, with far more carbon
dioxide (CO2) than today. Earth’s atmosphere now contains about 380
ppm CO2 (0.038%). Compared to former geological times, our present
atmosphere is CO2 impoverished. In the last 600 million years only
one other geological period witnessed CO2 levels less than 400 ppm.
To the consternation of global warming proponents, the late
Ordovician Period 550 million ago was an Ice Age while at the same
time CO2 concentrations were nearly 12 times higher than today,
4400 ppm. According to the greenhouse theory, it should have been
exceedingly hot. 

What really affects our climate? During Earth’s formation it was
impacted at a low angle by Theia, a planitodail mass a little
smaller than Mars. The impact knocked off part of the earth’s
forming mantle, which later formed part of the moon. Theia’s impact
is responsible for the earth’s 23.5-degree axial tilt, which
created the Earth’s seasons. After the impact the remaining mantle
fractured, and parts drifting on the earth’s semi-molten surface
formed tectonic plates. The plates collided with each other many
times and the present set, making up our continents, are still in
motion. The earth’s tilt; changes in the way it orbits the sun;
variation of the sun’s radiation as it burns up; volcanic
eruptions; changes in oceans flows; and melting snow and ice
control the earth’s climate. Large numbers of earthquakes occur
every year, a reminder that earth is a cracked dynamic sphere,
whose parts are constantly in motion, and are all involved in
climatic conditions. Considering these factors human attempts to
control the Earth’s climate are a pipe dream 

Joe Sullivan
Geological Engineer

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2011-07-26 14:14:26

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