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Comment 64 for Supplement to FED -AB-32 Scoping with CEQA (ceqa-sp11) - Non-Reg.

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SubjectGlobal Warming/Climate Change being related to CO2 is a HOAX
Here's three important things (articles/videos) about the falacy of
CO2 causing climate change. Cosmic rays cause clouds. Sun activity
blocks that so a more active sun leads to fewer clouds and more
heat. Warmer climate leads to more CO2 and NOT the reverse. Here
are SCIENTIFIC pieces to PROVE it:
Scientists Gagged From Interpreting Study That Links Climate Change
To Cosmic Rays
Cosmic rays are influence by the sun and the galayy:
The reason that CO2 is higher with hotter weather is because the
hotter weather increases the CO2 and hot the reverse, as the
Climate Change FRAUDS assert:

Global Warming/Climate Change is just a SCAM so a TAX can be
collected and MAINLY so people involved in the "carbon exchange"
can make MILLIONS of dollars for "running" it.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2011-07-27 23:05:03

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