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Comment 38 for Consumer Products (cpwg2006) - 45 Day.

First NameKenneth
Last NameHaselhorst
SubjectARB’s proposed 10% VOC standards
Effective automotive maintenance provides very significant benefits
to consumers through improved automotive safety, extending vehicle
and part life spans, minimizing automotive air emissions, and
lowering energy use. 

We are concerned that the ARB’s proposed 10% VOC standards for
Brake Cleaners, Carburetor or Fuel-Injection Air Intake Cleaners,
Engine Degreasers, and General Purpose Degreasers could damage our
ability to effectively clean and maintain vehicles

We are also concerned that the ARB has not considered the
potential hazards that may be caused by residues on brake parts
automotive, or the safety benefits of effective brake maintenance
and repair.

We also believe that these new standards could have negative cost
impacts to the automotive service industry and consumers due to
the additional time required for brake jobs and other maintenance
caused by using slower-drying and less effective brake cleaners
and other automotive maintenance products.  Time is extremely
valuable in this profession; and lost time has serious negative
impacts on our businesses.

Therefore, we are asking the ARB to reconsider its 10% VOC
standards, and finally consider a compromise, so that we are not
endangered in our ability to provide cost-effective maintenance to
automotive consumer in California. 

Thank you for listening to consumer's comments.
Ken H.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2006-10-24 21:12:06

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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