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Comment for Administrative Fee Regulation (feereg09) - 45 Day.

First NameRichard
Last NameCooper
Dear Richard,

 Support Fees on Polluters to Fund Global Warming Programs

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) will vote next week on
whether major polluters should fund California's fight against
global warming. The AB 32 Administrative Fee regulation would
provide a stable funding stream paid by major pollution sources for
CARB and the other agencies charged with implementing California's
global warming plan rather than relying on already burdened state
funds. Without urgent action, global warming will continue to
worsen air pollution in California by accelerating ozone formation
and causing increased emissions from power plants, air conditioners
and other sources.

California's leadership on global warming should be funded by
California's leading polluters.

The administrative fee would be charged to utility companies,
refineries, cement manufacturers and other major sources of
greenhouse gases based on their annual pollution levels to support
AB 32 staffing needs. This fee will raise the necessary funds to
support the important work of CARB and other state agencies in
implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gases under California's
AB 32 Scoping Plan and to ensure those measures do not result in
adverse public health outcomes.

Polluters don't want to pay.

This regulation is opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce,
the Western States Petroleum Association and a long list of
business and industries who would benefit from not paying fees for
their emissions and leave CARB without a consistent, stable source
of funding for AB 32 programs. We need your help to ensure that
California continues the fight against global warming and that the
administrative fee regulation is adopted to support this important

Please voice your support for the Administrative Fee regulation to
CARB Chairman Mary Nichols by pasting the message below into the
Air Resources Board's comment page:


Dear Chairman Nichols,

I am writing to thank you for your leadership as the California
Air Resources Board (CARB) moves forward in the fight against
global warming and to support the Administrative Fee regulation
coming up for a vote on June 25, 2009.

A stable funding source is needed in order to continue the
important work of CARB and other state agencies to implement
California's global warming strategies. The proposed AB 32
administrative fee provides that funding in an equitable manner by
imposing a fee on major sources of greenhouse gases in California,
rather than continuing to rely on state funds. 

In light of the state's already dire budget situation, adopting
the fee regulation is a responsible action to provide the resources
necessary to administer key strategies and regulations to curb
greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors of the economy.

I strongly support adoption of the fee to ensure that CARB
maintains momentum toward meeting the state’s greenhouse gas
reduction goals. Thank you again for your leadership and I again
urge you to adopt the AB 32 administrative fee.


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2009-06-22 17:51:13

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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