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Comment 1 for Mandatory Reporting of GHG Emissions (ghg2016) - 45 Day.

First Namechuck
Last NameTamagni
AffiliationRetired senior engineer Lockheed
Subjectcalifornia production of CO2 as a result of forest fires
I see that AB 32 was passed without considering the impact of
forest fires on CO2 emissions.  Why this was ignored I just can't
understand.  Consider the following data gathered from very
reliable sources.
Just looking at the Chimney and Soberanes fires alone this year 30
tons/acre were lost by the missing CO2 absorption by the living
forest.  Another 200 tons/acre of CO2 were produced by the burning
and subsequent decay of the burned forest.  So far the two fires
have consumed 150,000 acres of forest.  This conservatively totals
34,000,000 tons of CO2 production.  Just maybe this isn't an
insignificant number?  If 1/2 of your yearly budget were spent on
paying more attention to fire suppression tools and personnel this
number could be significantly reduced.  Remember, this was just 2
of the fires this year and neither is controlled by this date!!! 
If you don't believe these numbers please spend a little time to
verify them...

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2016-08-29 08:48:13

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