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Comment for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameDale
Last NameLeuer
SubjectGlobal Warming Solutions Act
Dear CARB Board members: 

On 11/13/2008, the Los Angeles Times ran an excellent article
titled "Pollution saps state's economy, study says", California
section, pg 3. A specific paragraph/quote and the Sierra Club
motivated me to email you today: 
"Mary Nichols, chairman of the Air Resourse Board, said the
findings will 'be useful to all of us.  Our board members hear on a
regular basis from constituents who are concerned about the costs
of regulations, and seldom hear from people concerned about the
costs of regulations, and seldom hear from people concerned about
their health because they are collectively and individually not as
well organized.'"

Therefore, I thank you for your hard work so far envisioning a
plan to implement the Global Warming Solutions Act. 

I have a few requests that I believe will make this plan even
stronger. I hope you will consider them during your meeting: 

1. Please auction off all emission allowances. Program revenues
should go toward GHG reduction programs, such as clean
technologies, green jobs, and aid for low-income consumers and
small businesses to reduce their utility bills. 

2. Please work to reduce the role of offsets in the Plan.
Providing too many offsets encourages continuing emissions in
low-income neighborhoods and in defenseless habitats, and weakens
the demand for clean energy technology innovation. Limiting offsets
will create more clean-energy jobs, stimulating our state’s

3. Please increase the targets for local governments to reduce
emissions caused by poorly planned growth that drives up vehicle
miles travelled. 

4. Please require businesses to recycle their materials. For the
past 8 years, I have worked as an executive in scrap metal and
electronics recycling industry.  Recycling is a best business
practice that reduces operating costs associated with their waste
stream, benefits the environment, creates California jobs and is
socially responsible by promoting sustainability.

We have a chance to make California even better as we address one
of the worst crises our planet has ever faced. Strong CARB policies
will help our state’s residents realize some of the benefits we
will receive by taking on global warming pollution: reduced air
pollution, more clean-energy jobs, less waste and healthier
communities. I am happy to testify in person not only from
business/industry executive perspective but also from my personal
viewpoint that the pending CARB plans with a few additional
suggestions are necessary and practical solutions to the current
air quality issues.

Thanks again for your work on behalf of clean air for California,

Dale Leuer
6298 E. Woodsboro Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92807

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-13 11:27:02

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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