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Comment for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameBarbara
Last NameFukumoto
SubjectAn even bolder Scoping Plan
Dear CARB Board members:
   Thank you for the work you are doing to implement the Global
Warming Solutions Act.
   I hope you might consider the following steps to strengthen the
   *** Please auction off all emission allowances. There should
never have been a right to pollute the commons for free.  Much good
could be done with the proceeds from auctioning all allowances.
    *** Please reduce the role of offsets. Allowing offsets
instead of real emissions reductions, keeps low income
neighborhoods at risk and weakens the demand for clean energy 
innovation. Limiting offsets will create more clean-energy jobs,
and benefit our state's economy.
   *** Please expect more of local governments. All local
governments need to act boldly to reduce emissions caused by poorly
planned growth that drives up vehicle miles travelled. We need a
level playing field created by stong requirements of all cities.
   ***Please require businesses to recycle their materials.
Recycling should be a cost of doing business for all businesses. 
All businesses should be on an equal footing.
   I'm proud that my state is taking a leadership role in
addressing the profound challenges of global warming. The boldest
possible action is required by this planetary challenge.  Bold
action on global warming will also give our residents cleaner air,
healthier communities, clean and green jobs, more efficient use of
energy and materials, and a stronger economy.    
Thanks again for your work on behalf current and future

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-17 17:53:49

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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