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Comment 5 for Transport Refrigeration Units (tru2010) - 45 Day.

First NameVicki
Last NameCarne
AffiliationJohn Carne Trucking
Why couldn't the ARB set up a system that owner/operators could go
to them and have their TRU's inspected.  Ones that are polluting
and smoking and bad for the environment should have to be upgraded.
 BUT the ones that make be prior to 2003 but have been routinely
maintained and in good condition be given a compliance certificate.
 This might cost the State a fraction of what it is costing us
truckers and small business owners.  Even if we had to pay to have
the inspection, at least we wouldn't be out thousands of dollars
for a filter we don't need.  Please there has got to alternatives
to what you want from us.  My husband & I have already spent over
$5000.00 and put a filter on our reefer. But our sons and friends
still need your help.
Thank you.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-11-17 09:19:26

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