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Comment 27 for ZEV Program Status Report (zev2007) - Non-Reg.

First NameKevin
Last NameTaylor
I attended a ZEV meeting in Sacramento after driving my family from
San Diego in a Honda EV Plus. I asked for another BEV option after
my lease extensions ended, specifically a RAV4-EV.  I eventually
was able to purchase a RAV4-EV at great expense. My RAV4-EV was
sold last week, because of not only the expense, but that
published intentions of new BEV production have devalued the
RAV4-EVs. Also, support for the BEVs is almost non-existent.  This
all combines to an ever increasing expense to own and operate such
vehicles. A great part of this is the entrenched oil and
'convenience over health' paradigm alienating BEV activists. 
I plead to you to balance the playing field to make BEV's easier
to experience so more people can participate in cleaning the air,
etc. Fuel cells are more expensive.  Shift your emphasis toward
the short term and BEVs.
In addition I find bicycle commuting far more helpful in
minimizing pollution, and increasing the health of all, but again,
the difficulty from fighting the perceived convenience of the
automobile is greatly offsetting. Please help minimize these
hurtles, such as car exhaust, noise, waste heat, and oil leaks
while riding on the roads. Also, the degradation of the quality of
life from the full well-to-wheels-to-grave life cycle! BEVs do this
now, not future fuel cell vehicles which use much more electricity
to operate (more money & pollution), and don't have an advantage
as being the only Type III ZEV, since a properly engineered BEV
meets the Type III ZEV qualifications. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-05-23 09:04:06

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