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Comment 36 for ZEV Program Status Report (zev2007) - Non-Reg.

First NameMichael
Last NameGaylord
SubjectZero Emission Vehicle Mandate
Please reinstate the legislation mandating manufacturers produce
Zero Emissions Vehicles for sale in California --in this case,
electric cars.  In fact, the best thing would be to increase the
percentage of cars brought in to this state, more than the
original act called for.

Electric cars worked.  People wanted them.  Battery technology is
good enough, and all the software and hardware worked. The cars
were built, and almost without exception, they were sweet. 
Manufacturers still have the plans to these cars, and truth be
told they probably still have the factory dies and technology to
start up again where they left off.

There is no good reason why they can't resume production.  If they
say they aren't ready, or that the technology is not proven, then
they are lying.  The cars worked.  Please make them bring them
back into production.  That is what the people of this state
--your employers-- want.

Thank you.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-05-23 11:50:04

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