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Comment 134 for ZEV 2008 (zev2008) - 45 Day.

First NamePat
Last NameRasmussen
The fact is smaller companies are producing electric cars that are
running perfectly fine - yet the big auto makers complain that
they can't do it. My friends in Bellingham, WA recently bought a
Miles EV for $18,400. It plugs into their house, they drive it
every day.  There is also a ZENN car and a ZIP car and others. The
big auto makers are lying to you and to us. If the smaller
companies can do it, they can to, they just don't want to. You let
them almost kill the electric car, cars that people loved. Don't do
it again! My grandchildren have a right to a life on a planet - and
so do all the other creatures that live on this Earth. Global
warming is killing the planet and my grandchildren's future. We
know we have to change our ways.

Go to the website and call their Seattle, WA dealer
Jim Johnson at 206-328-1750 of you want to learn more about a real
electric car - not made by a lying big auto company. A REAL
electric car that works!

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-03-18 07:47:12

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