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Comment 69 for Zero Emission Vehicle Regulation (zev2012) - 45 Day.

First NameWendy
Last NameGreuel
AffiliationLos Angeles City Controller
SubjectZEV Comments
January 26, 2012

Mary D. Nichols, Chairperson
California Air Resources Board
1001 “I” Street
P.O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA  95812

Dear Ms. Nichols:

Today, the Air Resources Board is considering the adoption of
Advanced Clean Car Standards that would require reductions in
greenhouse gas emissions, reductions in smog-forming emissions,
increased zero emission vehicles (ZEVs), and increased availability
of fuels for ZEVs. As Los Angeles City Controller and one of the
Co-Chairs of the California Clean Cars Campaign, I support creating
a cleaner environment that will benefit our City, region and local
economy. California has led the nation in adopting legislation for
cleaner cars and we must continue leading the way. 

Clean cars and clean fuel infrastructure support a thriving local
economy. At a time when our economy has still not recovered, we
need to take affirmative action to create jobs and put money back
into our local economy. When families and businesses save money on
cleaner cars and health care, they have more money to spend on
goods and services in their local community. California is helping
build the market for these new cars and local governments are
leading the charge. Local governments are on the front lines when
it comes to responding to the impacts of climate change and need to
make use of all the tools available, including vehicles that help
clean up the air and reduce the effects of climate change. 

We don’t have to choose between a robust economy and clean cars –
we can enjoy both. The Clean Cars Program cleans the air and
improves public health, and also supports a strong economy and
promotes job growth. This decision will set in motion the actions
needed to spur development of the cleanest, most innovative vehicle
technologies to help the state meet its near- and long-term
emissions and climate change goals. Thank you for your
consideration of these regulations today.


City Controller

Original File Name1-26-12 CARB.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2012-01-25 11:42:09

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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