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Comment 43 for Provides the public and stakeholders opportunities to provide "informal" public comments as part of ARB's 2013 Scoping Plan Update Workshop Series (2013-sp-update-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: David
Last Name: McCoard
Email Address:

Subject: Energy: lack of need for new natural gas-fueled generation
Regarding energy: There is no need for new natural gas-fueled power
plants. CAISO's capacity curves are constistently far above demand
now. As sources of renewable energy continue to quickly be added to
the state's energy supply, existing natural gas plants will be less
and less needed.

As an example, at 1:30 p.m. this afternoon (August 5, 2013),
CAISO's real-time supply and demand display shows actual demand
of 3,300 MW and a peak forecast for later this afternoon of 3,500
MW. This while the forecast high temperatures for Fresno and
Bakersfield are 98 degrees farenheit. Available resources at 1:30
are 4,300 MW. This shows a huge excess of resources without
building new natural gas plants.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-08-05 13:24:10

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