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Comment 137 for 2013 Investment Plan for Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds (2013investmentpln-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Daniella
Last Name: Alcedo
Email Address:

Subject: Cap and Trade funds towards Active Tranportation
I am the community organizer for the Pomona Valley Bicycle
Coalition, a chapter of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
and a member of the Sustainable Communities for All Coalition. I
represent an area that is constantly ignored on the table and where
are resources are too scarce to support our population. Pomona
faces the all to common problems of low-income communities: Poor
health, poor environment and poor and underfunded city programs.
Cities, such as Pomona, are hit the hardest when it comes to
environmental justice and the time to stop it is now and the way to
do it is through Cap and Trade and investing the revenue wisely and

By putting more funds towards public transit, bicycle paths and
lanes and better sidewalks and by making those funds more readily
available to all cities, then can Green House Gas emissions go
down; through a change of human behavior. Cities need to empower
people to make the change and only proper funds can give cities the
proper tools they need to make a real difference.  I encourage you
and urge you to allocate Cap and Trade funds towards active and
public transportation projects and empower disenfranchised cities
to make a positive impact in their community. 

Thank you


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-03-07 22:50:14

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