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Comment 1 for Cap & Trade Public Meeting (7-30-intl-offsets-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Don
Last Name: Ziperstein
Email Address:

Subject: Cap and Trade
Now that you have acquired this enormous power, you folks must be
dancing in the streets. Some ill-informed California legislators
brute force cap and trade through and you are determined to make it
work, in spite of it's monstrous stupidity. Politicians and
bureaucrats all over the world love this issue because of the
potential for lucrative rewards. Well my friends, its a double
edged sword and you will kill California in the process. Nevermind
the economy, just pile on more ways to grab the money.
First of all the myth of climate change is based on bogus science.
Right now, it's a matter of follow the leader or who has the bigger
reputation and bovine personality to follow the Master, Al Gore.
This stupidity will eventually punish all of us. Yes, go for it,
impose the toughest cap and trade regulations you can and watch
industry flee the state. Soon the people will follow because they
won't be able to pay the tariff. You folks really need to stop and
think about what the leftist environmentalist are doing to us. They
will absolutely destroy us if you let them. They definitely do not
like to see humans residing in this state, nation or world for that
matter. I hope this message gets to every member of this committee
so you can have at least one opposing opinion against this absurd
program. I am sure I am not alone in this belief.
I am a private citizen, a California resident, and a voter. I will
do all I can to discourage and remove all this "climate change"
nonsense from ruining our lives. One major fact you must be aware
of as you consider this issue, carbon dioxide does not affect our
climate or anyone elses. What you bought was an outright distortion
of the truth. Carbon dioxide is absolutely necessary for the growth
of vegetation and in turn, human life. The most abundant gas in our
atmosphere is water vapor which is definitely a positive factor for
human life. Do you want to limit and remove that too? Why not,
after all its one of those nasty atmospheric gases.
I think you need to adopt one more essential oath for your
mission. Before you do anything, above all, do no harm.
Thank you, Don Ziperstein 


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2009-07-30 20:29:35

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