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Comment 3 for Fuels Guidance Document (fuels-guidance-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Rick
Last Name: Bandelin
Email Address:

Subject: APSA Reference
During my initial review of the document, I noticed there was no
reference to the above-ground petroleum storage tank act (APSA).
APSA requires owners/operators of above ground petroleum storage
tanks with a commutative capacity of 1,320 gallons or greater, to
develop and implement an SPCC plan.  The Health and Safety Code
(HSC) Section 25270.2(g) defines "Petroleum" as crude oil, or a
fraction thereof, that is liquid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit
temperature and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute pressure. 
This definition would include any bio fuel or ethanol blend of
gasoline or diesel unless 100% bio or ethanol.
There are no additional APSA or SPCC requirements for storing bio
fuels.  I just wanted to clarify that bio fuels are still
considered a petroleum product and subject to APSA.  


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2010-03-25 13:24:28

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