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Comment 114 for Public Input on Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds (investmentplan-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Thomas
Last Name: Brown
Email Address:

Subject: Against CARB
Dear Committee Members,
I this present climate of financial strain and uncertainty, with
high unemployment rates, I can hardly believe you are pressing
ahead with this scheme! Of course, all Californians want a better
environment in many ways, and our progress over the past 30 years
has been exceptional. However, this is the wrong time and wrong way
to go about improving our environment.
Your timing could not be worse. Many Californians are out of work
or underemployed. With the increased costs thia will entail, job
creation will necessarily suffer. The middle class who pays the
largest amount of private utility bills will also suffer. I think a
better step now is to continue with conservation measures. You can
start with your own offices and computers--and turn them all off at
night. All other public offices can follow suit. The lights can be
gradually changed over to LED's which consume less energy and are
better for the environment than CFL's.
The way you are going about this is counterproductive for our
state. California dollars will be flowing out of the state to banks
or brokers on the east coast and in Europe. There will be no
financial benefit to our state or citizens. The director of your
bureaucracy shut off public comments recently at a public meeting
she had called for that purpose. The message is: WE DO NOT WANT CAP
AND TRADE in California. Please reverse this policy immediately (or
at least postpone it "indefinitely" to save face). You cannot
dictate to California taxpayers and citizens!
Thank you.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2012-06-22 15:40:46

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