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Comment 22 for Public Input on Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds (investmentplan-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Tom
Last Name: Kelly
Email Address:
Affiliation: KyotoUSA

Subject: Auction proceeds for EE and RE on public schools
A portion of the Cap and Trade Auction proceeds should be dedicated
to improving energy efficiencies and installing renewable energy
systems in California’s public schools.

California has approximately 1,000 school districts with nearly
10,000 K-12 schools serving about 6 million students.  Energy costs
are a significant part of a district’s overall budget, second only
to personnel costs. Public schools can be made more energy
efficient and are some of the best possible sites for the
installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems.

The benefits of better energy management and renewable production
on public schools are enormous. The benefits include:
•	Significant reductions in greenhouse gases emissions and other
toxic air contaminants from fossil fuel electricity generation 
•	Spurs local economic development which in turn improves the
economic well being of the school district
•	Reduces  utility bills so that more teachers can be hired and
programs maintained
•	PV projects on schools can include educational components which
bring the all aspects of renewable energy into the classrooms and
school academies
•	Creates local clean energy jobs
•	Improves air quality in the areas where the fossil fuel
electricity is generated
•	Reduces health effects associated with pollution from electricity
generation from non-renewable sources
•	Demonstrates to our children that we are taking the reality of
climate change seriously and are working to address it.


Original File Name: ARB Cap and Trade Auction proceeds advice.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2012-06-13 16:50:03

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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