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Comment 67 for Public Input on Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds (investmentplan-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Heath
Last Name: Hatheway
Email Address:

Subject: Cap and Trade
I want to send in my comments that what you are proposing to do
will damage the California economy and cost taxpayers $143 billion
by your own numbers.  I am quite certain that you came up with that
number using a static analysis and it will end up costing us much
more.  This cap and trade will drive California's economy further
into recession and cost us at least 1.6 million jobs (again your
numbers which I am sure is too low)!  You are supposed to serve the
citizens of California and not damage them.  What business in their
right mind would come here or expand here with regulations like
this?  Why are you doing this?  Global warming?  There has been no
warming in the last decade.  Or maybe global cooling?  That theory
that died in the 70's?  Perhaps "Climate Change"?  Where is the
proof that man made pollutants are the cause?  The Hadley research
Center in East Anglia?  They were proven to be a bunch of fraud as
was Michael Mann and his hockey stick graph!  How can you know that
the temperature the earth is at now is the optimum?  You can't! 
There were article written around 1900 saying there was global
warming...  The satellite data show that there is now warming so
why do this?    You must do the right thing for the people that you
serve and not go forward with this economic suicide pact.  That is
unless your real goal is to have California fail...


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2012-06-22 08:25:56

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