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Comment 17 for Low Carbon Fuel Standard - Environment and Economic (lcfs-environ-ws) - 7th Workshop.

First Name: Joel
Last Name: Strand
Email Address:
Affiliation: none

Subject: emissions
This is just another example of arrogant politicians imposing its
unwanted influence over people whose opinion matters not, to those
in power.

I guess the the number of people that you will cause to lose their
jobs , business, & homes is not as important as blaming diesel
engines for Cals poor air quality, or flexing your egos. Do these
people not matter to any of you? And don't even think of telling
them, or me that you are looking out for them.  

The old diesels will eventually dissapear on their own, as will
all of us, including the overbearing.
How would any of you like it, if someone took everything from
I wonder what percentage of those you are about to screw over,
will take their own lives? I would imagine it will be many!
You should all be ashamed. 
Maybe you should go save the spotted owl again, another typical DA
California plan. But gosh we are all so grateful that bird is alive
and thriving, where families once did.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2009-02-12 01:24:33

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