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Comment 3 for Comments on Local Government Toolkit. (localgov-toolkit-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Antero
Last Name: Rivasplata
Email Address:

Subject: General and Specific Comments
The Local Government Toolkit will be a good resource for local
governments.  As it states, a one-stop source of information is
important to preparing a climate action plan and establishing local
programs and regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

However, I believe that there are some general and specific things
that would make this even better.  In general, the focus of this
toolkit should be on tools that local governments can use to reduce
emissions from both public and private sector emitters.  This
should include an equivalent to the "Local Gov't Operations
Protocol," but designed for the purpose of estimating emissions
from non-governmental/private sector sources.  

More specifically under "Financial Resources," the discussion of
Energy Efficiency Financing should include AB 811 of 2008 that
authorizes cities to establish assessment areas for the financing
of privately owned distributed generation renewable energy sources
and permanent energy efficiency improvements. Participants receive
financing from the city that they pay back through assessments over
time.  This new statute has the potential to be a major incentive
for homeowners and others to install solar panels and increase the
energy efficiency of their buildings. 

Under "Climate Action Planning," the discussion of conducting the
baseline inventory should specify that it is intended to include
municipal, public, and private emissions sources.  As written, it
focuses on municipal and public sources. 

The "Case Studies" section should highlight successful municipal
programs or regulations that are encouraging the private sector to
reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.  Currently, the case studies
are too focused on what cities do to reduce their own level of
emissions. While that's a good thing, the toolkit needs to be much
broader in its scope and application. 

I will continue to review the Local Government Toolkit and may
have additional comments and suggestions.  


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2009-03-20 11:59:22

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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