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Comment 2 for Updated AB 32 Economic Analysis (nov-16-econ-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Duncan
Last Name: Elledge
Email Address:
Affiliation: Safety Coordinator

Subject: Economic distress caused by off-road diesel requirements
I don’t have to tell you that California is in a historically
desperate financial condition. The coffers are empty and business
is leaving the state in droves.  Government bureaucracy is choking
the life out of our fragile economy. 
Allen L. Bender, Inc, once an innovative, dynamic force in the
construction industry has their back against the wall and the very
entity which we once depended upon for lucrative projects, the
State of California, has slipped a noose around our throats and is
threatening to destroy our future in the construction industry.
Allen L. Bender, Inc has conducted business in an honorable manor
for over 35 years in California. We have been a leader in our
industry and our resume reflects a commitment to excellence. What
more could the most prosperous state in this country ask of its tax
paying contributors.
Good stewardship of our environment is of utmost importance and
always has been but not at the cost of an entire industry’s
livelihood.  Our modest company does not have the resources to jump
through the impossible hoops CARB has placed before us. We have
been able to compete in this highly competitive industry because of
our resourcefulness.  Like nearly every company of our size and
category, the purchase of an $80,000 piece of equipment is not just
a short term decision, it is a long term commitment.  We take
excellent care of every piece of machinery we own and expect to
receive many years of reliable use from these significant expenses.

This company was built on a dream that if you apply the laws of
success, maintain integrity and attempt to contribute in a positive
way to your community the positives will out weight the negatives. 
Unfortunately in the current financial climate made substantially
more difficult by unreasonable requirements imposed by the State
our continued success is precarious at best.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2009-12-08 08:44:28

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