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Comment 22 for Comments in general on ARB Implementation of SB 375 (sb375-general-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Stephen
Last Name: Sidoti
Email Address:

Subject: You are destroying prosperity and you know it.
You people take fake science, from a fake scientist, and create
legislation from it. How can you sleep at night? How? And you know
damn well what I'm talking about. You think you are going to clean
up our air, but then you don't even realize that the air we breathe
once was over the top of China, the most polluting nation on our
planet. The reason why China is leading the world in manufacturing
and production is because, if some one like you stood up and said
"hey, you are hurting the environment!" They would be locked up and
told to shut up. Because they don't care! They don't give a crap
about global warming or diesel particulates. All that they care
about is making money on a global scale. Literally trillions of
dollars, most of it ours! You think that you are cleaning up
California, but you're not. The air in which we breathe today will
be blown over the top of Nevada and Arizona tomorrow. Have you ever
heard of something called the Jet stream?? All that you care about
is control. You want to control the people of California. You want
us to eat from your hand. Freedom, is something to be frowned upon
to you. You are completely ignorant in the fact that you don't even
realize what you are doing to the well being of our state. You
destroy jobs and loose more and more revenue by pushing business
OUT of California. The only people coming into this state are
illegal immigrants, who don't pay taxes, something you know and
love. And you wonder why actual tax payers such as myself, are
fleeing the state in search of one that doesn't crack down on
prosperity. Remember from '08 to '09 there was a report that came
out that said that California lost 144,000 tax payers? Do you? Why
is that? What do you think? But yet, the population increased. So
am I wrong? You need to seriously think about what you are doing to
small businesses. Unemployment is at near record highs, yet you
still want to keep pushing and pushing jobs out of our state. Mary
Nichols count your blessings that your are appointed........and not


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2010-02-02 22:53:02

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