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Comment 104 for Design Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-design-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Chris
Last Name: Bellizzi
Email Address:
Affiliation: Bellizzi Tree Service

Subject: Comments that weren't spoken in San Jose workshop
Good Morning Members of  CARB,
  I participate in these preceedings with high hopes that the
democratic process will work, but I realize being the pragmatist I
am that any positive work done will be subverted by 
well funded lobbyists of the powerful petrolueum producers.
  My 30+ years of Rock Climbing and being an Outdoor Enthusiast
has had me in sections of the California’s Sierra’s where there is
evidence of Global Warming. My fist hand experience has raised my
moral imperative to step out of my “comfort zone” to help remedy
the situation.
  I have been an environmentalist since age 10 and as such have
developed a strong love of our Planet Earth and the people who
populate it.
  When time came for a career path I took my love of climb rocks
to love of climbing trees and Bellizzi Tree Service was formed in
1983.Currently we are the only “green”
Tree Service in Silicon Valley.45% of our fuel is 100% Renewable
Bio-Diesel. I drive a Bio-Diesel bug that gets 52 MPG and my wife
drives a Prius. Our combined CO2 out put is about 10,000 pound per
year about ¼ th of the average Californian.
You may be wondering where this all going. I think I have a unique
being an Environmentalist, Businessman, Consumer and a Solar
Powered homeowner in Saratoga California. Every issue that
confronts California confronts me in micro.
   The issues that CARB need to address are wide ranging and
I would like to see a larger percentage of renewable energy for
the Renewable Portfolio Standard.  
I would like to see the ZEV requirement for production percentages
of new vehicles reinstated.
I believe our reduction in GHG will come thru a mix of
conservation, efficiency, PHEVS, EVS and high efficiency
Bio-Diesel Vehicles.   
I would like the Low Carbon Fuel Standard issued.
I would like to see an immediate carbon tax on all regular diesel
with a corresponding rebate for locally produced Bio-Diesel thru
CARBS emergency action order. In my opinion it is repugnant that
people who try and do better by the environment are penalized a
higher price per gallon while dirty Regular diesel gets cheaper
and cheaper.
I would like to see the importers of the largest industry segment
of GHG emissions held to higher standards while the cost of
transition to low carbon society not be borne by
sectors of the economy that can ill afford the transition or
I would like to see a clean cars feebate for hybrid that also
included cars that are purchased locally and running 100%
Bio-Diesel and get 40-52 miles per gallon , not ship across the
ocean in ships burning bunker diesel fuel.
I would like CARB to factor total life cycle in their Clean Car
Rebates, with the fact that places around the world are strip
mined for Nickle-Cadnium or Lithium Ion Batteries
I believe CARB likes the direction the country Germany is going as
leader in Solar Photovoltaic and Wind, but yet they do not embrace
the fact Germany has a Bio-Diesel mandatory mix of diesel fuel of
For the lay people, that means they only pay for 80% imports and
make 10% of their Bio-Diesel locally. They also drive many Turbo
Diesel Injected vehicles that typically on the highway outperform


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-09 18:51:12

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