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Comment 25 for Design Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-design-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Marilyn
Last Name: Jasper
Email Address:

Subject: AB 32 CA Global Warming SOLUTIONS Act-2006
     First, polluters must be mandated to reduce their emissions of
any greenhouse gases to the lowest levels possible; emission
standards must not be linked to programs in other states. 
Enforcement for violations must be well funded as well as swift,
strict, consistent and final, with repeat offenders receiving
exponentially stronger penalties.  After x number of offenses
(single digit), polluters must be banned/restricted from
continuing the polluting activity.  Connected to this, all
polluters must pay for their emissions contribution to greenhouse
     Land use planning must be severely reformed with reduction of
vehicle miles traveled given top consideration.  Sprawling
developments with little-to-no, or inadequate, public
transportation must not be allowed.  If jurisdictions insist on
allowing such developments, their portion of state funding must be
curtailed accordingly.
     In the '40's and '50's, families lived well in homes that
were under 1,500 square feet (see older neighborhoods in downtown
Sacramento, for example).  A 2,000 plus square foot home, or
larger McMansion, with vaulted ceilings and huge cubic feet of
interior space requiring heating and cooling must be discouraged
to reduce energy consumption or pay a premium building fee.  Solar
panels, insulation, etc., may help, but the resources used to
construct such monoliths must be factored in considering any
development incentives or fees.
     Zero Waste, with convenient and prominent recycling, must be
implemented in all communities.  All producers must take
responsibility for end-of-life disposition (including
pharmaceuticals, packaged food manufacturers, clothing
manufacturers, etc.).
     CARB must error on the side of stronger, rather than weaker,
requirements to solve global warming impacts.  Once resolved, if
necessary, regulations can always be eased, but a bold effort is
needed now.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-29 07:06:22

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