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Comment 106 for General Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-general-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: elizabeth
Last Name: herron
Email Address:

Subject: AB32 & Cap Auction Dividend
Dear CARB,
Thank you for your work on the Draft AB32 Scoping Plan, especially
in its goals for California to increase renewable energy and reduce
vehicle miles travelled. I am writing to advocate a lesser talked
about implementation plan for AB32: Cap Auction Dividend. I urge
you to emphasize this plan in your Final Scoping Plan. 

I urge you to support the auction of 100% of the permits under the
cap. I firmly believe that polluters should be made responsible for
their emissions. I disagree with the issuance of free permits at
any time. No free permits to underwrite coal and delay the
essential development and availability of cleaner energy. I
further urge that the Final plan identify the recipients of the
funds from permit auction as The Citizens of the State of
California, to whom individual monthly or bi-annual dividend
checks should be issued to cover the increasing costs of energy,
which will naturally be passed on to consumers.

I completely support and applaud CARB's proposal that fees for
carbon be levied against fossil fuel companies and the diversion
of those funds as additional monies for the resource and
development of clean energy, green jobs and energy efficiency

California's own Public Health officials have said we may
experience heat waves as long as three months in California by
2010. Let's change the way things are done as quickly as we can,
before the already devastating environmental costs grow beyond
remediation. A warming climate already means the loss of
significant biodiversity and extreme conditions threatening human
life in large areas of the planet.

Elizabeth Herron, PhD


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-30 13:04:47

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