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Comment 278 for General Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-general-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Nicole
Last Name: Smith
Email Address:
Affiliation: IP Attorney & Concerned Consumer

Subject: Clean Energy for Grid & Transportation
Dear CARB:

Thank you for the time and effort put into the Draft AB 32 Scoping
Plan.  Your efforts put California on the forefront of dealing with
the major problems of energy and climate change plaguing us today. 
Certainly, it is no easy task to create a solution when so little
is known about the efficacy, efficiency and long-term viability of
possible solutions.

Clean Energy Sources for the Grid:  Examine Wind Energy

Currently, the draft scoping plan is vague in terms of which clean
energy solutions CARB will pursue.  Perhaps this is for political
reasons or perhaps the scoping plan is vague because not much is
known about how clean energy solutions compare to each other with
respect to power capacity, environmental impact, reliability, and
national security.  

There are many possible solutions being promoted in today’s
marketplace, not all of which have realistic, long-term viability.
 For this reason, I urge CARB to closely review unbiased research
currently being done in universities in California and across the
country.  For example, Stanford’s Atmosphere/Energy program in the
school of Civil & Environmental Engineering is comparing various
clean energies in search of energy solutions that are efficient,
safe and have long-term viability.

Wind energy, though long treated as a fringe energy source, is
emerging as the most powerful and efficient clean energy source
available.  Wind turbines harvest electrical energy that is
exponentially greater than the velocity of the wind.  Consequently
wind energy is an “underdog” power solution that warrants further
investigation and incentives.

Clean Energy for Transportation:  Electric Vehicles

As you know, transportation is the largest single contributor to
California’s carbon emissions, accounting for circa 40% of the
state’s emissions.  Carbon emissions are reduced by cars using
electricity, such as the hybrid gas-electric vehicles.  Carbon
emissions are reduced further by vehicles using a plug in, hybrid,
gas – electric system.  Carbon emissions are eliminated completely
by all electric vehicles, such as the Tesla and the electric
vehicles produced almost a decade ago.  

Currently, no new all-electric cars are on the market for less
than $100,000.   I urge you to create corporate and consumer
incentives for all-electric vehicles and plug in hybrids enabling
more consumers to afford electric vehicles and promoting the
production of more electric vehicles.

Thank you for your time and effort in tackling the major problems
facing us today.  It is my sincere hope that CARB is not swayed by
lobbyists promoting corporate causes but instead intertwines itself
with solutions and research conducted by unbiased sources pointing
CARB towards efficient, long-term energy solutions.  

I wish you all the best of luck and wisdom as your actions will
have lasting impact.

Nicole Smith


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-10 21:20:25

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