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Comment 49 for Transportation Symposium to Discuss 50% Petroleum Reduction Goal (transportationsym-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: James
Last Name: Zaben
Email Address:
Affiliation: Kings Oil Tools

Subject: AB 32
Dear Mr. Tollstrup,

I have serious concerns regarding the leadership of the California
Air Resources Board. Since 2007 I have been tirelessly keeping my
company compliant with all the ARB Regulations, e.g., PERP, Truck
and Bus and last but not least DOORS. And each one of these
regulations has cost my company millions and millions of dollars. I
have written many letters to the ARB discussing our concerns on the
subject of adopting new regulation for greenhouse gas emission
standards. I have discussed facts that engines manufactured today
and are certified by CARB to have NOx emission 30% to 65% below the
2010 standard. And with no rationale CARB continues to develop
regulations and expand its Cap and Trade Program.  It is as though
the ARB does not want to wait and see the net results of the
emission reductions. 

We as consumers and stakeholders are paying more for energy than
anywhere else in the nation. As a matter of fact we are paying
$1.00 more per gallon of fuel than the nations average price. And
what is really bothersome, CARB kept this oncoming fuel price
increase a virtual secret. 
I am writing to express my strong concerns about the direction ARB
seems to be heading on meeting the goal of a 50% reduction in
petroleum usage by 2030. The ideas presented at your recent
symposium are unrealistic and expensive.

Most Californians can't just cut their gasoline use and travel
distances in half. We rely on our cars to get us to work, and don't
have the luxury of quitting our existing jobs just so we don't have
to drive so far every day. And spending billions of dollars on
high-speed rail won't help us with our daily commutes or everyday
mobility needs.

Most of us also can't afford new electric cars, higher taxes or
"carbon pricing" to help subsidize zero emission vehicles and
renewable fuel production, or the infrastructure necessary to
support them.

Under AB 32 California consumers pay some of the highest energy
costs in the country. Please take the economic and practical
impacts on hardworking Californians into account as you proceed
with your transportation planning.

Your consideration in this matter will be greatly appreciated.


Jim Zaben

Environmental Manager. Kings Oil Tools. 5347 N Chester
Avenue.Bakersfield, Ca 93308


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-06 07:21:31

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