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Comment #18 for Transportation Symposium to Discuss 50% Petroleum Reduction Goal
(transportationsym-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Mark
Last Name: Shaw
Email Address:
Subject50% Petroleum Reduction Goal
The government of the State of California has no business telling
or even contemplating how persons or their businesses are or are
not to go about their business, including which products they may
or may not consume, including whether they may or may not consume
petroleum products. The only business of the government of the
State of California, in the interest of its citizens, is to ensure
that the lives of its citizens are protected to the best
practicable extent.

Understand this: Vehicles directly powered by petroleum products
emit virtually zero unhealthful matter into the air, which is
virtually no more unhealthful matter than vehicles directly powered
by electric batteries, hydrogen, or other non-petroleum sources.

It therefore makes no rational sense for the state to mandate any
reduction in the use of vehicle-powering petroleum products. And,
in any case, it makes no sense for the state to mandate what or how
a vehicle may be powered without a demonstration that the vehicle
is emitting substances into the air that are of significant harm to
the health of the public.

The CARB must therefore cease mandating any level of petroleum
product use in vehicles, especially the currently contemplated 50%
reduction goal. It is not rational. It is not scientific. It is a

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-04 09:31:28

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