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arbcombo -- Facility and Entity GHG Data Now Available – California Mandatory GHG Reporting Program

Posted: 16 Nov 2009 16:17:21
The Air Resources Board is making available to the public a
summary of facility greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data reported
pursuant to the California mandatory GHG emissions reporting
program.   The data is available through the ARB website at

A spreadsheet with facility-level summaries of CO2 equivalent
(CO2e) emissions is available at the mandatory reporting website.
 A similar summary spreadsheet is available for power entities
such as electricity retail providers and marketers, showing
electricity transactions report status and CO2e SF6 emissions
when reported. 

In addition to the summary spreadsheets, you may also access
individual facility-level and entity-level reports.  These
reports include additional detail, such as the reported CO2, CH4,
N2O, and other reported GHG emissions.  

Note that any of the posted data are subject to change.  The
posted data may not have not undergone independent third-party
verification or ARB staff review, and where errors are
discovered, mechanisms are available to allow revisions to the
data.  For this reason, subsequent reports may show different
emissions or data.  

If you have any questions, please send them to
ghgreport@arb.ca.gov. Additional information is available through
the web address above.

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