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compwood -- Composite Wood Products ATCM Public Workshop on November 20, 2013

Posted: 24 Oct 2013 14:03:12
The Air Resources Board staff invites you to participate in a
public workshop to continue discussion on proposed amendments to
the Composite Wood Products Airborne Toxic Control Measure
(ATCM). At the workshop, ARB staff will discuss proposed
regulatory amendments to the ATCM that focus on laminated
products, improving the ATCM and on aligning the ATCM with
proposed United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
regulations to the extent practicable.  We welcome your
participation in this workshop.

The workshop will be held at the following time and location:

	Date: 		November 20, 2013
	Time: 		9:30 am to 2:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) 
	Location:  	Byron Sher Auditorium
	Address:  	Cal/EPA Headquarters Building 
			1001 “I” Street, 2nd Floor
			Sacramento, California 95814

The workshop notice and preliminary agenda can be found at:

Workshop documents and presentations will be posted as they
become available and will be posted on the Composite Wood
Products ATCM website at the following link:

The California ATCM was adopted by the ARB in 2008.  The ATCM to
Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products
establishes formaldehyde emission standards for composite wood
products, including hardwood plywood-veneer core (HWPW-VC),
hardwood plywood-composite core (HWPW-CC), particleboard (PB),
medium density fiberboard (MDF), and thin MDF.  The ATCM also
applies to finished goods that are made with composite wood
products.  The ATCM applies to panels and finished goods that are
sold, supplied, offered for sale, used, or manufactured for sale
in California.  Businesses required to comply with the ATCM are:
manufacturers, distributors, importers, fabricators, and
retailers of composite wood products and finished goods that
contain these products.  Implementation of the ATCM is well
underway, and the program is firmly established.  Both the Phase
1 and Phase 2 formaldehyde emission standards have been
implemented.  Implementation of the Composite Wood Products ATCM
is helping to reduce the public’s exposure to formaldehyde, which
has been identified as a toxic air contaminant. For additional
information please visit the Composite Wood Products ATCM website
at: http://www.arb.ca.gov/toxics/compwood/compwood.htm.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Angela Csondes, Air
Pollution Specialist at (916) 445-4448 or via e-mail at

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