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ordiesel -- In-Use Off-road Diesel Vehicle Regulation - Update on Schedule and Fact Sheets

Posted: 28 Sep 2007 09:47:57
ARB staff is providing an update on the schedule for finalizing
the in-use off-road diesel vehicle regulation and has posted a
revised set of fact sheets concerning the regulation.

Schedule Update:

At the July 26, 2007, Air Resources Board (ARB) meeting, when
the Board adopted the in-use off-road diesel regulation, the
Board directed staff to make several changes to the regulation.
On September 6, 2007, ARB staff released proposed regulatory
language implementing the Board’s direction and requested
informal feedback on that language.  

Staff appreciates the many stakeholders who provided informal
feedback.  Although staff had originally planned to release the
15-day package of regulatory changes for formal comment in
September, staff is now taking time to carefully review and
consider the numerous comments received.  Staff therefore plans
to formally release the 15-day package in October.  After its
release, the comment period on the package will be open for 15

After the 15-day package is released, staff will release an
updated version of the fleet average calculator, which
incorporates the regulatory changes in the 15-day package.  A
beta version of the fleet average calculator is now available
for testing.  If you are interested in receiving the beta
version, please contact Elizabeth Yura at eyura@arb.ca.gov.  

New Fact Sheets:

Staff have also posted a set of revised fact sheets concerning
the in-use off-road diesel vehicle regulation.  Please go to the
following weblink to view the updated fact sheets: 

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