Welcome to the CARB Pollution Mapping Tool

Sources in Your Community


This tool enables users to query, locate, and view greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria pollutant emissions from large facilities in California.


The CARB Pollution Mapping Tool includes both GHGs and criteria pollutant emissions.  CARB is looking for your feedback on the data presented here and plans to update the tool periodically.  Please contact us with your suggestions or questions about the GHG or criteria pollutant data.  


Users can find facilities and associated emissions at the state, regional, and local levels, and display the data on maps, charts and in tabular formats.  The following California map layers are integrated into the tool to help users view facilities and their emissions within various geographic boundaries:

·           Air Basins

·           Air Districts

·           Counties

·           Zip Codes

·           Townships

·           CalEnviroScreen 3.0

·           Oil and Gas Fields and Geological Basins


Here are some highlights of the tool’s functionalities available to users:

·         Search and select facilities by name, location, industrial sector, and emissions level.

·         View emissions from individual facilities or aggregated emissions from a group of facilities defined by year, geographic region, and industrial sector.

·         Using the tool’s Shapes Ribbon, users can draw circular, rectangular or polygon areas on the map and summarize emissions from facilities in the user-defined areas.

·         View emissions in multiple formats, including maps, charts, and emissions data tables.

·         View emission trends over time at the individual facility level, a cluster of facilities or by industrial sector.

·         Create and save customized maps and charts, and download the emissions data as an Excel spreadsheet.

·         Sort tables and charts based on category names and emissions.

·         Sort and display facilities based on whether they are covered or not covered by the cap-and-trade regulation.

·         The tool features multiple intelligent interactions between emission tables, maps and charts.

For example, when users select ‘County” from the ‘Group by’ pull-down menu, a county map layer automatically loads on the map. Further, by clicking on a county name in the emissions table, all facilities in that county will bounce on the map, making them stand out from the rest of the facilities

·         The tool integrates Google search and geocoding functions to help locate a place and/or facility on the map.