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Comment for Regional Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets SB 375 (2010sb375) - Non-Reg.

First NameLaura
Last NameHealy
SubjectPlease reduce air pollution!
I am writing to support bill 375 that will result in reduced air
pollution and greenhous gas emissions.  I am surprised that more
emphasis isn't placed on the reduction in air pollution that will
result from any program to also reduce greenhouse gasses.  Our air
quality is horrible; asthma and other respiratory disease rates are
the highest they have ever been.

I am also writing to support any bill that improves bicycle
friendliness.  I live 1 mile from work and the commute on a bike is
not safe.  This is ridiculous!  Anyone willing and able should be
able to ride a bike to work,school or to shop.  Unfortunatly, it is
not safe in most places.  Unless you live in Boulder or Portland,
you risk your life riding your bike anywhere.  

Please- make it prohibitively expensive for people to drive HUGE
SUVs to the grocery store, to deliver kids to school or go anywhere
a SUV is not necessary.  They make owning and operating any
environmentally sound vehicle unsafe. 

The Earth is choking.  Please do something!

Thank you,
Laura Healy

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-09-15 17:16:05

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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